It’s time again to choose the students that will represent the student body at Salt Lake Community College.
The SLCC Student Association will present the nominees for student body president and executive vice president over the next week via Instagram. The annual election process teaches candidates new skills and provides opportunities while offering students a chance to voice their support.
The elected president and executive vice president will lead a group of appointed vice presidents to represent the student body. The candidates are running on platforms of more engagement and equitability as well as changes to improve physical, mental and social health.
Click on each candidate to learn more about who they are and read more about their platforms.
SLCCSA President
SLCCSA Executive Vice President
Voting takes place Feb. 22-24 on Campus Groups. The elections announcement will follow Feb. 25, 3-4 p.m. via Zoom. Afterward, the new president and executive vice president will interview and appoint the six additional vice presidents. A virtual installation ceremony will cap the election process Monday, April 26, 1-2 p.m.
Follow The Globe on Instagram and Twitter for further coverage of the elections.