Three Salt Lake Community College students have dreams of becoming student body president for the 2017-2018 school year.
Aynoa Rincon, Connor Holt and Davies Young all participated in a rally yesterday afternoon in the Copper Room at Taylorsville Redwood Campus. Each candidate shared their platform with potential voters and encouraged their peers to get out and vote.
Aynoa Rincon

Rincon envisions a more efficient student government, and will use three main tools to accomplish this goal: communication, visibility and inclusivity.
“Being an international student myself, I want to promote inclusivity so everyone feels involved and safe here at SLCC and the community,” she says.
Rincon also wants to reach out to different companies in the community to increase the amount of mentors and financial aid for students, building relationships that lead to job opportunities upon graduation.
Connor Holt

Holt plans to focus on mental health issues on campus and increase the accessibility of services to all students. Holt has a personal connection to this cause and is inspired to find help for other students.
“Having a wife with anxiety and depression, I understand the need to have help for those of us that need it, whether it’s test anxiety or any kind of mental issues,” he says. “This way they can succeed at SLCC and in life.”
Holt also wants to improve inclusivity and diversity on campus by obtaining more resources and hosting more events where students can speak about their cultures.
Davies Young

Young wants to increase the number of multicultural students in science, technology, engineering and math. With the amount of careers in this fast-growing industry, he aims to take steps to ensure that all SLCC students know about the program and how to get involved.
“The STEM program needs diversity,” he says. “There are very few students of diversity in the program and [we] need to close the gap and get a more diverse student base into the program.”
Young also would like to improve the SLCC website and how often the content is updated so new students can always have access to current information.
Voting begins today at 8 a.m. and ends Thursday, Feb. 23 at 8 p.m. Any SLCC student can vote online or in person at Taylorsville Redwood Campus, Jordan Campus or South City Campus.