About $130.97 is spent per person on Valentine’s Day according to a 2013 study by CNN statistics. That means for some people, Valentine’s Day is a pretty expensive holiday.
According to Google Dictionary, the way we celebrate Valentine’s Day is defined as “A day when it’s traditional to send a card often anonymously to a person one is romantically involved with or attracted to.” This is widely practiced in elementary schools. When children receive valentines, they are happy because pieces of candy are often attached to the cards.
So when did it become a holiday where spending huge amounts of money on flowers, chocolates, cards or other gifts was acceptable? What happened to just spending time with someone because you cared about them?
“I do feel like this holiday is over commercialized. It has definitely become more about what you are receiving than showing your feelings for the people in your life,” says Salt Lake Community College student Hailey Fernelius.
Fernelius adds, “I wish as a society that we could focus on the important things like family, friends, and loved ones, but unfortunately we really like getting stuff. In today’s society we connect love with how big something is or how much it costs.”
Since college students are sometimes strapped for cash, there are some gift ideas that cost very little. A few examples would include making a card, making gifts or just spending time together.
“A perfect Valentine’s Day gift is the thought that goes into the gift itself, being unexpected is a bonus,” says SLCC student Betty Le.
A handmade gift will mean a lot more to the person you are giving it to because you made it, and you gave it thought. Perhaps learning how to make jewelry or how to make a video would be a good way to mix it up.
Remember that it is the thought that counts, not the amount money you pay for a gift.
So when you are looking for Valentine’s Day gifts, whether it’s for friends or significant other, remember you do not need to spend a lot of money to show someone you care. They will be happy that you remembered them and cared enough to get them something.