Sometimes starting back to school can be a headache, but knowing how to purchase the right textbook doesn’t have to be. Having an understanding about when to buy and what is required by professors can relieve the stress of getting the right book. The bookstore has several options for obtaining books, and there are associates at the store who can answer questions students may have.

There are three options for obtaining books: renting, buying a hard-copy or purchasing an e-book. If a hard-copy is purchased at the bookstore, students have the option of doing a buy-back at the end of the semester. The bookstore will pay the student back half the price of the textbook that was purchased.
“People think the bookstores are setting the prices so high, but what they need to realize is that it goes through the professors, then the department heads and to the publishers,” says Mallory Mitchell, Bookstore Associate.
Department heads at the college choose the books that will be used for the semester in each course.
Sometimes professors will contribute to or write the books students are required to buy, and publishers will give a portion of the profit to them.
There are several ways to avoid spending massive amounts of money when it comes to textbooks. Sometimes the professor may not require the suggested textbook or may allow students to use a previous edition. There are also students willing to sell their used books to fellow students at a lower price. Also, used textbooks are available for purchase at the bookstore during the first few weeks before school begins. They do, however, sell out quickly – within the first day or two of school.
The best way to avoid lines at the bookstore on the first day of school is to buy ahead of time.
E-mailing professors about whether or not a textbook is required for class eliminates the need to return a book that was previously purchased.
Knowing the subject, course number and class section before coming to the bookstore assists in finding a book in a quick, orderly fashion. Students can also look up books they need on MyPage before entering the bookstore.
Students can return books they don’t need within the first week of school as long as they have a receipt. The bookstore gives a certain amount of time for books to be returned for a refund. After the deadline, students will not receive money back for returned books.