
Read about all things food: culinary school, restaurants, recipes and more.


Take the October Unprocessed food challenge

Nadhirrah challenges readers to commit to give up all processed food for 30 days.
pumpkin patch

If you think pumpkins are just for carving, you don’t know jack

Pumpkins can add more than just decoration to an autumn meal.
Apples cut with cinnimon

Keeping the Doctor away

Nadhirrah explains some of the benefits from eating an apple a day.
Eggless Salad on a bed of Lettuce

Mineral rich foods

Nadhirrah explains how a diet in mineral and nutrient rich foods can help where supplements lack.
Meatless burger with avocados and tomatoes

The leap into a vegetarian diet can be daunting, but rewarding

Nadhirrah explains how to begin a vegetarian diet and options available for substituting meat.
milking those seeds

Got milk alternative? How to go dairy-free

Nadhirrah shares her non-dairy milk, cheese and ice cream alternatives.
Green drinks from grocery store

When it comes to smoothies, green is ‘In’

Daily allowances of vegetables and fruit are consumed through the popularity of green drinks and smoothies.
Vegetables wrapped up in lettuce

BYOL–Bring your own lunch

Bringing a brown bag lunch to school or work saves money and makes mealtime special.

Proper nourishment can improve recall, other test taking abilities

Learn which foods can improve certain brain functions critical for success in school.
Artichoke pizza

Gluten sensitivity creates recognizable symptoms

Learn about celiac disease and gluten-free.
SLCC Health & Wellness logo

Keeping weight down just part of the goal at Health Services

During the first year of college, many students struggle to recognize their unhealthy habits that cause weight gain, which often leads to the dreaded...
Cheeseburger and fries

Student eating habits impact how well they learn

Choosing natural, whole foods as snack items can help students learn better and feel better