Academic advisors are available to help you connect with valuable resources at the college but most importantly create a roadmap of the classes you need to successfully complete your degree or certificate and transfer or enter the workforce.
Program Questions
Are you already in a program but unsure what you need to graduate? Academic Advisors will show you a great tool called DegreeWorks that will track your progress and can create a “what-if” scenario of what would still count if you were to change your program of study.
Transfer and Workforce Referrals
What about the next steps? Academic Advisors partner with their programs at our most popular transfer institutions to provide a seamless transition to your next degree. If you’re looking to join the workforce sooner, Career Coaches can help you find jobs in your industry that match your certificate or degree.
Visit our website at for instructions on how to schedule an appointment or review our frequently asked questions. Services are available at Taylorsville Redwood Campus, South City Campus, Jordan Campus, West Valley Center, Miller Campus, and Westpointe Center locations.
This article is part of The Globe’s back to school content for the spring 2022 semester. View more content.