To Our Black Students, with Love, is a series of letters from the SLCC student body to our Black students. The Office of Diversity & Multicultural Affairs started this letter campaign to show solidarity with our students in response to the Zoom bombing that occurred during the Black History Month Poetry Slam hosted by the Black Student Union in February 2021. Read more letters here.
Dear Black students:
When I read the email that came out about what happened at the poetry slam, my heart broke. Intentionally hurtful acts such as this come from weak spirits who thrive on hate. I so deeply empathize with you. I want every single person hearing this letter to know that you are beautiful; you are perfect; you belong here, and you matter. This has inspired me to get more involved, to take a stance, and support my fellow students and community. Black lives matter, and you’ve faced a struggle that I never had to go through and I simply want to support and share my deepest unconditional love for you. Your strength to come together in troubling times is inspirational, and I look up to all of you. I’ll repeat myself one more time for emphasis, you are beautiful; you are perfect; you belong here, and you matter. I love you all, God bless.
You deserve to be safe and comfortable. You deserve to have every opportunity that everyone else has. I’m writing this love letter to let all of you know I support and love you. Seeing acts of racism against people with darker colored skin or different ethnicity makes me sick. I’m sorry you’re on the receiving end of that every day. I want to let you know that you’re safe with me. I’ll defend and support you guys and other ethnicities with every opportunity I see. It lights a fire in my soul to see others be racists to others. I feel that every person has the power to put in extra effort to make others feel safe and comfortable. I know I put in extra effort to connect with people with different colored skin or ethnicity than my own and will continue doing so. I’ll be giving you the biggest smile with my greetings.
My letter is short, but my message is strong. You’re safe and supported with me.
With love,
Carol Chatwin