Dear Editor,
In a recently published op-ed in the Salt Lake Tribune, former Sen. Steve Urquhart said “representatives and senators must step up and pass full, comprehensive federal protections for the LGBTQ community.”
I responded with a letter to the editor, urging Senators Mike Lee and Mitt Romney to take action in Congress. Now, I’m extending that challenge to the Salt Lake Community College administration. President Huftalin and Cabinet, it’s your turn.
Our country recently achieved one of the greatest milestone Supreme Court decisions for LGBTQ+ equality to date. The Court ruled that LGBTQ+ Americans are protected in the workplace from discrimination “on the basis of sex” under federal employment law. Now, it’s time for SLCC to do its part to ensure the SLCC LGBTQ+ community – especially the “T” – is seen and protected in all facets of college life.
Critical gaps in treatment, data collection, and protections remain at SLCC, leaving people vulnerable and unrepresented. LGBTQ+ folks report having experienced discrimination and fear within the walls of our institution, and it must stop. Our institution can take simple, albeit highly significant steps to protect LGBTQ+ folks, such as implementing a Trans-inclusive facilities policy and adding comprehensive LGBTQ+ demographic information questions to our admissions forms.
The Supreme Court decision was an incredibly important step forward. President Huftalin and Cabinet, it’s time to do your part. Acknowledge and stand up for ALL of your constituents and protect some of the most vulnerable at your institution.
Inclusivity and equity isn’t a political issue, it’s a core value at SLCC.
Peter Moosman
Gender & Sexuality Student Resource Center