In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Salt Lake Community College is offering some flexibility in its grading policy for the spring 2020 semester.
Students this semester have the choice of either keeping their traditional letter grade or electing to change to a pass or withdrawal grade.
It is not an all-or-nothing decision; students can choose to apply the pass or withdrawal option to some of their courses, but not others.
To receive credit in a pass or withdrawal course, a student needs to receive at least a C as their final grade in the course. Withdrawals will be designated for a C- or lower.
Choosing the pass or withdrawal option also means that receiving a P for a specific course will not negatively impact GPA or current academic standing.
Before switching over to the pass or withdrawal option, SLCC encourages students to talk to their academic advisor to see if the decision could affect financial aid or Veterans benefits.
If a student wishes to change to the pass or withdrawal system or to withdraw from classes entirely before May 31, go to the SLCC student information page to fill out the respective form.