The world can be full of hardships and stresses that can weigh people down.
It would be naive to assume that Salt Lake Community College students aren’t affected by some of these same stresses. At SLCC, there are resources to help students and staff get through the hard times.
Depression, whether clinically diagnosed or spurred on by one or more events, is a manifestation of one’s own mind. Like a parasite draining vitality from its host, depression can creep its way into someone’s head and leave them with a degraded sense of self-worth and lack of motivation.
Depression of all types can be best dealt with through the help of others.
One of the first places to look for help at SLCC are the Centers for Health and Counseling, located at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus and South City Campus, as well as at the Jordan Campus with an appointment scheduled. Psychiatric evaluations are also offered in order to better understand what each individual person is experiencing.
In support of the center’s purpose statement, therapists are ready and willing to talk with students about what’s troubling them.
Student appointments are $15. The counselors and students can discuss any negative feelings and then work toward a solution.
To talk about one’s feelings brought on by stress, tragedy, or the mind being off balance can be intimidating, however, it’s important to realize these feelings are only temporary.
If anyone is at a point where they are considering taking their own life, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK or one of the corresponding crisis numbers listed under the community resources link on the SLCC website.