The Student Media Center is hosting a weeklong prize drawing, and students from the Social Media Tools and Strategies class are helping to run the event this year.
The Week of Love, which begins Feb. 8, encourages all Salt Lake Community College students to participate on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
“This is the first year working with the class on a media campaign,” says Student Media Center program manager Alison Arndt-Wild. “We are hoping that by using the class it will reach even more students across SLCC and be exposed and have a chance to win.”
Students in the class have varying viewpoints about the drawing.
“I’m excited to figure out how social media is used to advertise and stuff like that,” says student Lindsey Johnson.
While classmate Scott Funk opposes the holiday more than anything else, he is making the most of the assignment.
“To be perfectly honest, I think that it is pretty pathetic that the world has to set apart a day for people to show love for their loved ones. That should be everyday,” Funk says. “But since I am getting a grade for this class I guess that I’m kind of excited.”
The hashtag for this year’s event is #SharetheLoveSLCC.
Every post or tweet with a picture will need to use the hashtag and mention @slccsmc to be entered into the drawing.
The class will post and advertise a particular topic each day on the Student Media Center social media sites. The themes include Worst Valentine’s Date Ever, Singles Awareness Day and Take a Pic with a Friend.
Any SLCC student can visit the Student Media Center on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to learn more about the contest and what prizes are available.