There is a sheep going around visiting different campuses and places at Salt Lake Community College.
Peep the Sheep is a mascot that represents the “100 Days of SLCC” campaign organized by academic and career advisor Michelle Tuitupou. This campaign was designed to replace and revitalize the Majors Fair.
“At this level, we really felt that we needed something that was more kind of on a daily basis instead of once a semester,” Tuitupou says. “We felt that the students would come to the Majors Fair but we wouldn’t have any kind of follow up with them.”
The idea for the new campaign comes from the art community, where artists spend 100 consecutive days working on different pieces.
In the past, students would visit with program representatives all at the same time on the same day at a Majors Fair.
“[This system proved] to be overwhelming for the students because there are so many tables and so many things to see, that they weren’t getting the information that they truly need to go through during career exploration process,” Tuitupou says.
The 100 Days of Career Exploration provides a lot of resources and different activities that let students explore subjects they might find interesting.
“Major and career exploration is a process,” Tuitupou explains. “It is something that the student has to really work through and they have to do it on a daily basis.”
To keep up with Peep the Sheep and the “100 Days of SLCC” campaign, follow along on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.