Diversity is a staple in every college and university, especially community colleges. Salt Lake Community College is no different.
Race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and age all contribute to SLCC’s rich diversity. SLCC embraces the multitude of cultures and lifestyles of all students and faculty through various campus clubs and events.
As I walked around the always-crowded Student Center at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus I asked fellow student Jessie Moon what she thinks about diversity at SLCC and in general. She stopped and looked around at the crowd of students roaming the halls and said, “You know, before you asked I never really noticed; I guess it is just normal.”
Has diversity finally become so accepted in our society that it is a non-issue?
In class, the library or anywhere on campus, we are surrounded by people and each one has a different story to tell. It is up to us to take off the headphones, turn off our phone and computer so we can actually get to know each other.
It is a big world out there and SLCC’s diversity allows us the chance to learn more about it. That is the difference between accepting diversity and embracing diversity.