Beginning November 1, men are to be clean shaven to start a month long participation of growing facial hair.
The idea is to have fun while raising money and awareness for men’s health, specifically, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health problems.
Once men sign up they officially become a Mo Bro and are part of the official movement
Women who support men’s health, known as Mo Sistas, are an important part of Movember’s success.
Mo Sistas can register, start a team and fundraise too. Mo Sistas, are encouraged to support their men in this event.
You don’t have to “Mo” alone. There is strength in numbers.
Students are encouraged to recruit others to their Movember team. Students can start conversations about important men’s health issues by working the topic into a class assignment.
According to the movement’s official website, the Big Moustache On Campus (BMOC) network shows how you, your team, and your school stack up against other college Mo’s across the country.
Last year, over 19,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised over $975,000 in the BMOC network with awesome prizes for the top fundraisers.
Students can contact Mo HQ and set up a campus-wide network so they can recruit the entire school. The Mo Space fundraising page has all the tools that students need to get others involved.
bad link. error 404. “movement’s official website”
i would like to join a group for slcc. i have been growing since clean shaven on the 1st but don’t know where to go. wish the link worked.
It should be fixed now. Thank you for lettings us know.
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