Editor’s Note: The following letter was initially sent on August 27, 2014. Some information may be out of date.
I am a busy student who is taking 11 credit hours this semester. So far, I like all of my professors. However, I have some concerns about the Canvas page and about the e-Portfolio site.
I understand that a lot of colleges and universities are going green and want to cut down on their usage of paper as well as making it easier for the professors to grade assignments using Canvas.
My concern is with how the Canvas site is not very user-friendly and how it isn’t set up very well. I am not computer illiterate, but I am having a hard time viewing videos and submitting papers, or even copying them into a word document.
For example, in my PSY 1100 class, after watching a video and answering the questions for the assignment, I printed off what I wrote.
I then tried to copy and paste the assignment into a word document so I could type what I wrote into the blanks before submitting it to Canvas.
I am not having very good luck and now have to go talk to somebody on Thursday, August 28, 2014 in Technology Building Room 213 to see if they can help me before my classes.
On a related note, the e-Portfolio is a pain in the neck as well. I have to go see someone later that same day in the basement of the library about that, too.
Why can’t SLCC have a place for each student’s classes for the current semester on MyPage where they can turn in their work, get assignments, and watch videos?
Why can’t students just post stuff on the e-Portfolio during their last semester of college or right before they graduate?
Students have enough to do in college without all this extra web stuff wasting our time.
Now I have to spend several hours on Thursday learning all this stuff and taking time away from my school work.
– Matt Horn
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