Salt Lake Community College student Karrin Vonee Harvey dated SLCC student Tyler Gaffney for about three months before getting engaged.
“School takes up a lot of time, so fitting dating in gets really hard,” Karrin says.
“If you don’t manage your time well when you’re dating someone, you’ll end up completely ignoring them or your studies, and either of those can end really badly,” says Tyler.
Both Karrin and Tyler agree that managing your time is very important. Keeping a balance between schoolwork and dating life can really help a relationship, but putting your sweetheart before your homework might not always be the best choice.
“Dating, at least in my college career, is a good way to relieve stress. Having someone specifically there for you is a good way to relieve stress,” Tyler says.
“You can take classes together, and you can get help with homework,” says the future Mrs. Gaffney.
Spending time together while doing homework is one way to manage time. In this instance, a person can satisfy their homework and dating responsibilities.
“College life will be busier, but it will also be nicer. I will have my husband with me a lot, and it will be easier to plan out schedules since we’ll be living together,” says Karrin.
“Being married and going to college will be better than dating in college. That’s just my opinion. There is also more commitment behind a marriage. Also, you don’t really have to worry about getting in at a certain time. But most important, I feel there will be a stronger bond. Sure, there are some small perks, but I feel that a stronger bond is the most important factor,” says Tyler.