Despite all the delays and cancellations caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Salt Lake Community College President’s Art Show is still taking place this year. 2020 marks the 26th year of the event.
The art show is “meant to be a showcase of the best recently-made works by amateur and professional artists from across the state of Utah,” said Danielle Susi-Dittmore, art gallery and event specialist.
COVID-19 did not affect the number of submissions, which totaled 266.

“Surprisingly, we had even more submissions this year than we did for the 2019 show,” said Susi-Dittmore. “From 266 submissions, our college art committee selected 77 pieces to be in the 2020 show. I think now, more than ever, people want to feel a part of something when we are socially distancing.”

The President’s Art Show annually awards $5,000 of prize money to artists, and it also gives the opportunity for artists to sell their work to art collectors and buyers.
“The college has also purchased many pieces from past President’s Art Shows for the growing collection you see in our hallways,” said Susi-Dittmore.
The gallery is available for in-person viewing by appointment until Nov. 18. Alternatively, there is a virtual tour of the gallery available for online viewing.