Each year, the Sundance Film Festival takes up residence in Utah for 10 hectic days.
The festival draws nearly 125,000 attendees, which for some can mean headaches and traffic jams. But Sundance also brings a diverse selection of films, talent, music and celebrities from around the world.
More than anything, Sundance brings us stories.
Beyond the glitz, The Globe is covering Sundance through film reviews, from “Promising Young Woman,” which tackles issues of sexual assault in the era of #metoo, to “Us Kids,” detailing the Florida school shooting that claimed 17 lives and spawned a wave of youth activism.
Expect dynamic visuals from our photographers covering performances at the Sundance ASCAP Music Café to the New Frontier exhibits showcasing cutting-edge VR and augmented reality technologies.
Our goal is to find stories from locals and non-locals alike.
An unexpected circumstance brings me on as the new editor-in-chief of The Globe, a role I am eager and enthusiastic to take on. Undoubtedly, covering the Sundance Film Festival is an exciting way to begin my tenure.
The Globe is student run, and in being so, tries to bring you – the SLCC student – stories through that unique lens.
I invite you to follow us online at globeslcc.com and our social media platforms to get up-to-date coverage not only of Sundance, but all the stories we will cover this term. I also invite you to become an active participant by commenting, liking and sharing our posts or reaching out to us. After all, it is your school newspaper.