Of all the things Salt Lake Community College offers students and faculty members, one of the more popular activities is a free yoga class.
This free class is a part of the yoga instructor training program at SLCC. Every session of the class is taught by a student who is training to be a yoga teacher, and it gives them a chance to further their career as an instructor and gain some practical experience by working with students of their own.
One of the students in the class, Emily Young, has been participating in the class for a few years now and has high praise for it. She is passionate about yoga and aspires to be a yoga instructor in the future.
Young believes this class is the perfect opportunity for her to gain new skills.
“My favorite thing about yoga is being able to expand your mind spiritually and mentally,” she says. “I’ve been doing yoga for three years now and hope to be an instructor one day.”
Although it is an actual class that students are enrolled in, any SLCC students and faculty can attend the weekly session for free. The students who are teaching the class have been active in the yoga community for many years and know what they are doing.
For those who aren’t familiar with yoga, it is an ancient Hindu practice that has been around for over 5,000 years. Yoga is all about expanding the mind and relaxing, and those who practice it learn to find their inner peace.
Yoga also has health benefits as well for stressed out college students, as it is highly recommended as a way to help combat stress and cure anxiety, while also calming the mind.
The free yoga class takes place Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:20 p.m. in room 124 of the Lifetime Activities Center at Taylorsville Redwood Campus. It is recommended to bring your own yoga mat and block, but if you can’t there are some that are available.