Students may now freely travel to South City Campus on 1700 South, according to the Transportation Division of Salt Lake City.
Although closed in parts this past summer through fall, the upgrades are complete along 1700 South between 700 East and State Street.
“We appreciate your patience during this roadway reconstruction,” the division announced in their latest release.
The finishing touches are expected to be completed in January, but without street closure. Remaining tasks include roadway paint striping, sidewalk repair, bus pull-out pads and landscaping.
Salt Lake City advises motorists and pedestrians to continue to remain aware while using 1700 South.
The 1700 South Project, which started last June, built new curbs, gutters and driveway approaches, expanded sidewalks and bicycle lanes, and installed new storm drains.
The street was topped off with a new layer of asphalt, which should also provide for smoother travel.