This letter is in response to the article titled “Former SLCC student spies on specters” which was originally published on Oct. 29, 2014.
To whom it may concern,
Heather Sanya was indeed a resident at The Kirk Apartments but, to our knowledge, was not doing any kind of investigations other then scaring neighbor children with her Ouija board, nor filming for any project, Sundance or other.
Ms. Sanya was, at no time, given permission from the owner or management of The Kirk to conduct investigations of any kind nor to do any sort of filming.
Let it be known also that, should Ms. Sanya have done ANY proper research, she would know that pretty much everything she had printed in the article is fabricated.
The Kirk has only truly changed hands once. Philip Kirk had to close the Hotel due to the Great Depression and the bank turned it over to Milly Jones to manage in 1932. She paid it off and became the owner in 1937 and it has been in the same family ever since.
The Hotel passed from Milly to her daughter in law, Anna who passed it to her son Garth who has now passed it to his nephew, David.
The military NEVER took over the hotel and the whole burning of the bodies story is crap. The only way to burn bodies in the basement would be the coal boiler and that wasn’t installed until the 1970s.
Furthermore, room 312, along with all the other units, was remodeled and made into an apartment. If it hadn’t been touched since the 20s, it would still be an old hotel room. It is not rented because it is outdated and needs a facelift.
Ms. Sanya has been in this unit and knows that the metal kitchen cabinets and orange shag carpet are from the 70s, not the 20s.
We do not deny that we may happily co-exist with some other worldly energies and ancestors, but the whole “evil” and “malicious” angle Ms. Sanya has tried to spin about the building can only be from knock off “haunted” blog sights or her own theatrical perception.
The important point is that, when it comes to the facts … Heather Sanya’s information is just pure fiction. For someone as “professional” as she claims to be, she ought to show some responsibility when it comes to providing the public with information.
Jason Koetting
Karmen Jesse
Property Managers
“The Kirk”