The Bruin Campus Cupboard has been in operation at the South City Campus since November of last year. This is great for students attending Salt Lake Community College who often have to wrestle with the choice of paying for food or paying for school supplies.
After gaining the approval of the Utah Food Bank, the Bruin Campus Cupboard now regularly receives one load of food every month. The Cupboard is also getting fresh fruit and vegetables twice a week from Harmons.
Not only is the Cupboard supplying food, but it is now able to help supply laundry detergent, dish soap, and fabric softener.
“We were not a 100 percent [sure] if that was something needed on campus, so we decided to send a email survey to a large portion of current students with the question of ‘During the past two week period, have you gone without a meal to buy books or school supplies,'” says Justin Hughes, President of the SLCC Social Work Association. “[We] were really surprised that 65 percent of the students that took the survey said yes, and ever since then, we have been working to get those numbers lower.”
The SLCC Student Association will be hosting an event at the Utah Food Bank, located at 3150 S. 900 W., on Nov. 21 from 1:30-3 p.m. The goal of the event is to raise awareness of the issues of hunger and homelessness in our community.
“[We] would like to see students show up and bring canned food,” says Elizabeth Frasier, who is one of the coordinators of the event.
If you cannot attend, there are plenty of ways to help get the word out there for students in need who can receive help from the Bruin Campus Cupboard.
The Bruin Campus Cupboard is located at the South City Campus in Room 2-152. It is open Mondays from noon-3 p.m.; Wednesdays from 2-7 p.m.; and Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon-4 p.m.