Campus Police and Utah Highway Patrol (UHP) are asking for help in identifying a suspect responsible for recent thefts of music equipment from South City Campus.
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Since December 2013, approximately $25,000 worth of musical instruments are reported stolen from the second floor music room of the South City Campus over three separate incidents, according to UHP Trooper Scott Pruden.
The most recent theft was caught by security cameras on May 6.
“We have photographs of this unidentified person taking some of the musical instruments and exiting out of the west side of the South Campus,” says Pruden.
Evidence reveals that multiple instruments were stolen in each of the three thefts. The items were located in an upper balcony area where the thief had to climb to reach.
Among the missing items include two oboes, a bass clarinet, two bassoons, bongo drums, and a conga drum.
“Some of these instruments are valued very expensive,” says Pruden. “One Fox bassoon is estimated at $9,700 to replace.”
Identifying a theft suspect in cases such as this typically occurs as the items are found at a local pawn shop, or posted online on sites such as Craigslist, according to Pruden.
“We just haven’t seen this happen on these musical instrument thefts yet,” says Pruden.
Photographs taken from a security camera were released by UHP and have been posted around South City Campus.
“We are just hoping someone knows who that person is and maybe give us some fresh information to start a new lead on the case,” says Pruden.
Pruden is hopeful that with the photographed suspect identified, the instruments may be recovered and returned to the school.
Measures to prevent future occurrences are underway.
Facilities Services and Information Technology are currently working with Campus Police and UHP to install additional security cameras.
“We are looking at installing some cameras up in that area where we have had some trouble,” says Pruden.
Anyone with information about this incident, or who may be able to identify the person of interest in the photographs, is asked to contact Campus Police at 801-887-3800.
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