Okay, as a tutor who works in the Learning Center, I think I should not show up and do anything. More than that I think we should shut down the Learning Center and, indeed, the entire library until my policy demands are met.
What are my policy demands? It’s my belief that the library should not sell coffee and food. Does it stop me from buying my coffee or food in the Student Center cafeteria?
Are they giving away coffee or food at my expense?
Is there an unfair difference in prices?
Do I represent a large swath of students or employees who oppose selling food and coffee in the library?
No, in fact, I’m the only one.
Does it hinder my job as a tutor or adversely affect the students I help?
But, never mind all that, I want us to shut down the Learning Center and not come into work.
By the way, I’d still like to be paid for piddling around and kvetching about a policy of the library to sell coffee and food, instead of being useful to the students who frequent the library, probably in greater numbers because of the food and coffee.
Doesn’t make a bit of sense, does it?
Extend this logic to the national story of the federal government shutdown. Ponder this and ask yourself, “Why do we put up with habitual hostage-taking of America?”