On Wednesday, June 12, 2013, winners of the 2013 Salt Lake 48 Hour Film Project were announced. Premiere screenings were presented on Wednesday, June 5 and Thursday, June 6, 2013, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Broadway Centre Cinema in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.
Participant Sara McFarland, SLCC fashion student, compared it to running a marathon with no training. Starting on Friday May 31, 2013, in the evening and turning in a finished production by Sunday evening, each filmmaker was assigned a genre and the same required elements.
“It’s such a quick turnaround,” said Brian Higgins, city producer for the 48 Hour Film Project in Salt Lake City. “So Friday night, you don’t have a film, and Sunday night you do, and Wednesday you are watching it in the cinema.”
All filmmakers get a chance to see their film make it to the big screen before a large audience and they could win a city award: Movie Magic Screenwriter Software 6, and the grand prize of $5,000 at the international level.
“I think it’s a wonderful time to get people to get out and make a film.”
“You see a lot of first-time filmmakers who can just have the opportunity to make something and guarantee that they’re going to see it on the screen,” said Higgins. “A lot of times in independent film, you go to make something, and it’s going to be five years before it even sees the light of day, even if it ever does get released, but with this, you know you’re guaranteed.”
Some challenges faced by teams included a lead actor breaking his ankle during filming and a crew member with heat stroke.
One film in particular stood out for the amount of locations in one film. Transjumbled, a science-fiction film by Zobec, used 15 locations.
“We (8-bit film’s Dungeons and Spies) filmed at Dragon’s Keep in Provo. Jonathan had actually filmed there for his 24-hour project and so it was really good because he knew the people, and they were really great. Actually, we got ten more extras from the Dragon’s Keep,” said Juliet DeVette, SLCC film student. “We just kept going through the night – Friday and Saturday night.”
The winners of the 48 Hour Film Project are:
Audience Group A: Get Tom by Black Anchor Films
Audience Group B: Disarmed by Bridgerland Film Group
Audience Group C: Uncovered America by Super Heumann Productions.
Best Film: Outlaws by Al Kessler Centennial Squadron
Best Directing: Claves by Imago Entertainment
Best Writing: Uncovered America by Super Heumann Productions
Best Acting: The Retribution of Tome Percival by The Elite Squad
Best Editing: Transjumbled by Zobec
Best Cinematography: Sojourn by Flying Hat Productions
Best Sound Design: Utopia Lost by Late Night Pizza Productions
Best Use of Character: Somewhere Tropical by Lexerot Filmworks
Best Use of Prop: A Brief Romance by 80HD/Desert Magnolia Productions
Best Use of Line: Buddies for Life by Sagwas
Best Use of Genre: Get Tom by Black Anchor Films
Best Special Effects: Gumshoe Girlfriend by The Incorrigible Dirigible