There has been one constant each spring to celebrate the hard work Salt Lake Community College students and friends have endured throughout the college year: The Bruin Bash.
Every year, students finish their studies at SLCC and enter the workforce or transfer to a university. The Bruin Bash provides the perfect opportunity for students, faculty, staff and the community to have one final opportunity to take part in a fun campus activity.
For those who think that SLCC is just a commuter school and after school activities are not necessary, think again. This annual celebration has become something that students have grown to love and enjoy. Bruin Bash is for everyone and Student Life and Leadership has arranged to include a wide range of entertainers for the event.
“We are bringing in a couple of entertainers…we have Marcus The Comedian, he does impressions, as well as comedy. We also have Joseph Tran, who is a magician, Plastic Musik who will be making music with plastic drums and tubes, Mayhem Poets who address current issues in making them into poems,” said the North Region Vice President, Stephanie Kelly.
While paying for tuition and student fees can be difficult for many students, the Bruin Bash is paid for by student fees. The Bash is free for anyone to attend, and students are also encouraged to invite friends and family to attend the festivities.
“Our student fees paid for with tuition are covering the event itself. However, food that will be at the Bash that will be for sale, students will have to pay for—though the cost will be minimal,” explained Stephanie Kelly.
The Bruin Bash will take place April 27, in the Student Center on the Taylorsville Redwood Campus. The festivities begin at 5:30 p.m.
For more information, please visit Student Life and Leadership’s web page at