On Jan. 30, 2012, The Dating Doctor David Coleman visited Salt Lake Community College Taylorsville Redwood Campus to give advice to the lovelorn.
For a video on the Five-Minute Find, click here.
To watch a video about how it is harder for man to meet women than it is vice-versa, click here.
To read The Globe’s preview of The Dating Doctor’s visit, click here.
Playing to over 100 students, Coleman brought his own brand of entertainment and intervention session to the stage.
“Be the fat penguin,” says Coleman. Breaking the ice is required to start any relationship.
The ABCs of Coleman’s five-minute find are:
- Attraction – Is the person physically attractive to you?
- Believability – Do they seem to be telling the truth?
- Chemistry – Is there more than the physical attraction?
- Desire (to learn more about the person) – Do you want to know more about the person?
If all four of these things are present, Coleman says that it is okay to proceed.
“You are not anyone’s back-up plan,” says Coleman. The person who loves less in the relationship is the one that has all of the control. It is the one who loves most who has the responsibility to make sure that he or she is being treated correctly.
Coleman’s advice for internet dating was that the profile share less and not more and that people should have at least two photos, one a full body shot.
Coleman took questions from the audience both during his presentation and afterwards.