The time has come for me to start thinking about graduation, which should happen for me sometime in 2012, and what I will do when I’m done with school. Deciding what to do can be as confusing as when I decided what I was going to go to school for. I know I’m going to get a job in my new profession, but what I’m finding hard to do is to decide on just how to go about getting a job.
With all the classes I have taken there wasn’t an actual class telling me how to go about finding employment. This doesn’t mean that some of my teachers haven’t given advice about steps I can take to find a job, but I need more help at this point. I know what the outcome of my looking for employment should be, but I’m not really sure how to achieve it. I can’t help wonder if I’m an enigma, or if there are other students that are graduating but are not sure how to start looking for employment.
I have had jobs in the past, so I know how to look for a job. This situation is different from others that I have experienced before, though. I am going to be looking for a job that is a lot more professional, so in addition to my degree, I will need help polishing my resume.
With this problem at the forefront of my mind, I decided to do a little research and without much trouble at all I came across the Employment Center on the first floor of the Administration Building at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus. The staff is great and ready to help all students needing assistance.
The center offers employment and job skills workshops. When students go in, staff will talk to them about the job seeking skills they may be in need of. The workshops teach students about preparing for job searches, resume writing, interviewing and how to keep a job. Students may find the listing for the workshops schedule on the employment web page which is on the college website, though the schedule is still pending for this semester. The center will also work one-on-one if a student prefers that.
I knew that the college would have a program in which my questions would be answered and I would be able to receive the help I need to steer myself in the right direction.