Judy Scott, division chair for nursing at Salt Lake Community College, gave a presentation last Wednesday for prospective students of the nursing program at Salt Lake Community College. The event was held in the Jordan Health Sciences Auditorium on the Jordan Campus.
The biggest change to the application requirements is the Elsevier Health Education Systems, Incorporated (HESI) Admissions Assessment (A2) Exam. All students must take this exam and score 75 percent or better on each portion before they are admitted to the program.
“If you pass this exam,” said Scott, “the knowledge base is there and current.”
Students who do not score 75 percent on a section of the exam must retake all the sections. Scott said that having students take the entire exam is cheaper than having it taken in pieces and that the department is focused on the students’ current knowledge.
Self-paced remediation is available with the exam, and students can take it as many time as they can afford, though Scott recommended waiting about four weeks before retaking the test. That would give the students time to study so that they can increase their scores.
The cost is $40 for the regular test and $45 for those students participating in the LPN to RN program.
In addition to the HESI, students must have a current or expired Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification.
During the admissions process, all of the required items are weighted for importance and proficiency and the students are assigned a score. The top students get admitted into the program. For Spring Semester 2013, at least 50 spots will be available.
Extra credit is given for every “very good” and “excellent” received on the HESI. Students who get better than a C+ on their first attempt in science classes also get extra credit.
Scott said that the HESI and how a student does on their first attempt in science classes are good indicators as to the future success in the nursing program.
Other ways for students to be more competitive during the admissions process is to have a better than a cumulative C grade average, have competed all of the co-requisites, have a previous degree, and have hands-on direct patient care experience as a CNA.
HESI test times will be announced December 1, 2011 and students can apply for Spring Semester 2013 from April 1, 2012 until June 15, 2012. Applications for Fall Semester 2013 will be available beginning December 1, 2012 and closing February 15, 2013.
“Our goal is to have you be successful,” said Scott. “It’s hard but worth it.”
The School of Health Sciences has revamped the admissions procedures for all classes, and the new requirements are posted online.
Dean Loredana Haeger of the School of Health Sciences said that the new requirements will help students better plan their career path and choice, know when and where they are going and “help them find a good fit so that they can be successful.”