Dear Dick,
I recently attended a lecture where they talked about the problem of narcissism that is common on social networking sites. Guess what? You popped into my mind couple of times, my dear.
But before you get all excited that I was thinking about you, let me tell you that I thought of you for all of the wrong reasons. After noticing that the great majority of the things being presented applied to you, I thought I should let you know. You’re welcome.
I guess I should be a little more specific and tell you the reasons that I thought of you during the lecture. First, your constant need of “look at me, I’m gorgeous” attention. Second is the fact that you are always bragging just about anything and everything, wanting to be the center of attention. These are just a few, as the list is very long.
You know, Dick, all of those pictures that you are constantly uploading with you in them do not make us jealous of your life at all. They actually made a bunch of your “friends” block everything that had to do with you on our Facebook updates wall, including me. Then you ask why we don’t talk to you. Well, I guess I again have to be the one to break it to you. It’s simply because it’s ANNOYING.
I think we all get the point of Facebook, which is to connect with people and stay in touch with others. In other words, Dick, there are other people on Facebook besides just you. You might want to consider bringing that ego like 20 notches down, because you are not a super reality Facebook star. We don’t want to know what you are doing every two seconds of your life. Remember that we all have a life, and I am talking about a life outside Facebok.
I hope you get the big picture that I’ve tried to paint for you, Dick. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but like OMG, it’s annoying. You get what I am saying, right sweetie? It’s not that I am trying to be rude, it’s just a wake up call. It’s better to make a couple of changes while you have friends than to realize your narcissism a little too late when everyone has walked away. Talk to you later, dear.
Veronica Aguilera