The stars have aligned at Salt Lake Community College. Students from the music department will perform a chorale showcase inspired by the beauty of the universe on Oct. 11 and 12 in the South City Campus’ Atrium: “Evoking the Cosmos in Songs: of Sunlight… of Moonlight… of Starlight…”
“We will be performing a number of choral works that are staples in the college community,” says Dr. Juan Pereira, director of SLCC choirs. “They are beautiful and gorgeous songs.”
Pereira has personally crafted the program for this performance with the cosmic theme in mind, hoping that listeners will “look up and talk to God.” Pereira notes that this is not necessarily to be taken literally and that he hopes concertgoers connect with whatever they believe.
“You could look up to the sky and see a shooting star, and maybe that shooting star will remind you of something, or maybe it will just inspire you to make a wish,” he says.
Pereira’s motivation for picking the theme, he says, was to enrich and enlighten the listeners’ lives despite the “increasing chaos and pain that we live our lives in.”
“[You’re] going to hear a message in this music that might fill a need or void that [you] currently have in [your] life,” he explains.
He hopes those who hear the music find value in the words and music they hear.
“Sometimes it’s those little things in life that we need to look at to receive inspiration,” he adds.

Much effort has been put into preparation for this performance, Pereira says of the many hours of rehearsals and practice.
“[These students] have worked so tirelessly to prepare,” says Pereira, adding that their commitment to the music excites him. “You are gathering souls that must unite and build a relationship of trust, so much that when they sing, it sounds like one beautiful, unified sound,” he says, adding he’s also enjoyed introducing some students to music they may not have heard otherwise. “Some of them have never really sunk their teeth into some of this music.”
Pereira is confident attendees will find the concert a rewarding experience as well.
“You can expect the energy and fulfillment from this concert that you are going to put into taking time out of your schedule to attend,” he says. “And you can certainly expect that your soul will be fed in the most beautiful of ways. Sometimes [music] is all the help we need to keep us motivated and looking forward.”
Those who attend on Saturday night will be treated to the guest appearance of the Redwood Campus Institute Choir.
“I am so excited to share this very thoughtful and inspiring music with our college community, and I hope everyone takes advantage of the chance that they have here at Salt Lake Community College to hear beautiful music,” says Pereira.
Performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 11 with two additional performances at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 12. Both nights are free for students with a valid One Card. Non-student tickets cost $5.