Getting through your general education classes can sometimes feel like a drag, but that may be because you aren’t aware of your options.
Salt Lake Community College has so many different classes to help you complete your requirements. As experts in the business, academic advisors know what classes are fun and what classes will give you the most exposure to an enjoyable college experience. Start enjoying your required classes next semester by registering for classes that are popular and fun.
“As far as what is fun, I would say Dance 1010, because some of these students, like myself when I came to this school, want to rush through school. But when I took this class I really enjoyed it,” says advisor Faye Leapai. “You learn how other cultures dance, you watch videos, you learn, you finish by writing a paper. It was really fun! Everyone is having a good time, and they are goofy.”
Another thing to remember about completing your general requirements for SLCC is that you need to take a diversity credit.
“Students looking for a diversity credit will want it to be a fun class, but a lot of students seem to choose film and culture, theater or criminal justice,” Leapai explains.
James, a student at SLCC, says that while he may not have enjoyed every class, he really hasn’t had many terrible classes while completing his general requirements.
“Hands down, my favorite class that I have taken was intro to criminal justice, just the introductory class. That class was so cool,” he says. “You learn a lot of entry-level stuff about what goes on in the criminal justice world. I even attended an offsite event because I was so intrigued by the class. I highly recommend it.”
It’s important to know that there are different ways to make your time at SLCC enjoyable, and choosing fun and popular classes is a good way to do this. There are plenty of different options to choose from if you are looking to spice up your semester and take some fun classes.
Knowing where to find the different options is important. SLCC provides a course catalog and current class schedule under the Academics tab on its website.
Any SLCC student can also talk to an advisor to customize their schedule. Contact Academic Advising for more information or to schedule an appointment.