The 2018 Sundance Film Festival begins later this week. One the most renowned film festivals in the world, Sundance brings movie enthusiasts from around the globe to Utah to be the first to see films and documentaries.
For the 33rd anniversary of the event, over 100 feature-length films will be screened at various theaters in Park City, Sundance Resort and in Salt Lake City, including our very own Grand Theatre at Salt Lake Community College.
To learn more about how SLCC works with the film festival and how students can get involved, Globe contributor Christina Haddix interviewed Josh Elstein, program manager for the Center for Arts and Media at South City Campus.
How long has SLCC been involved with Sundance?
“2018 will be the fourth year that the Grand Theatre and Center for Arts and Media at SLCC’s South City Campus have served as a venue for the Sundance Film Festival. Each year, the Grand hosts up to 10 screenings of feature and documentary films each weekend during the festival, with thousands of patrons attending.”
Will the school be involved this year?
“Yes, we’re always excited to work with Sundance to showcase SLCC’s programs and offerings to Sundance patrons who are here to enjoy the films.”
How can students get involved?
“Thanks to our collaboration with Sundance, we’re able to welcome high profile visitors to our campus during the festival to speak to our film and media students about the creative, technical and business aspects of the industry. We also typically get exclusive tickets just for SLCC students to select screenings, so they get to experience the festival and enjoy some amazing films.”
Why is this a good opportunity for students?
“For two weeks each January, Utah becomes the center of the film world, and we hope our students take advantage of all the opportunities, access, and experiences having one of the premiere international film festivals on their campus provides.
“In the past, we’ve been lucky to have some of the biggest films of the festival screened on our campus, along with visits by directors, actors and producers to talk about their work.”
How can students and faculty buy tickets?
“For regular screenings, tickets can be purchased directly through the festival.”
Are they offered a special rate?
“We don’t have any special rates, but Sundance usually provides some free tickets for our students for a few screenings geared just to local colleges. There’s also a special pass available for purchase that grants access to every film screened at SLCC.”
Can students still sign up to volunteer at Sundance?
“Regular volunteer positions for the festival are already filled, but we’re working with the Utah Film Center on some incredible opportunities for our film and media students to intern directly with visiting filmmakers.”
What are the benefits of volunteering?
“Being part of an international event like Sundance is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and for our students interested in going into the film industry, the chance to directly connect and network with working filmmakers is priceless.”
Could you please expand a little on the collaboration between SLCC and Sundance?
“SLCC’s South City Campus was first chosen as a festival venue in 2014, making it the largest Sundance venue located in Salt Lake City. This collaboration has provided numerous opportunities for our students and invited thousands of guests to see our campus first hand.”
Who are some of the high-profile speakers that have visited the campus is the past?
“Over the years as a venue, we’ve had lots of high profile actors, producers and directors visit the Grand to talk about their films. These have included former Vice President Al Gore, Viggo Mortensen, and Daniel Radcliffe among others.”
Do you know who might be visiting this year?
“We usually don’t know who’ll be attending until the day of each screening, but part of the excitement of Sundance is that you never know who might show up!”
How can students find out information about the internships?
“SLCC film and media students who are interested in applying for an internship should speak with their professors, who have more information and can assist with the application process.”