Tevita Hola and his program, Brother 2 Brother, have a goal to reach: to help children as much as they can.
Brother 2 Brother is a mentoring program that allows college men get involved in their community through volunteer work. In return, the program helps provide opportunities to help these men get closer to their desired jobs.
Hola and Brother 2 Brother visited East Midvale Elementary on Nov. 16. During their visit to East Midvale, they reached out to kids that might need help with certain subjects such as spelling, sounding out the letters of the alphabet, and computer classwork. The whole idea of visiting East Midvale Elementary was to help the younger students.
Brother 2 Brother wants to form a connection with the younger generation.
The program provides one-on-one help in order to gain a more personal connection with the students. Every single member of Brother 2 Brother had a smile on their face throughout the volunteer experience. Many of the members were amazed by the conversations they were having with the bright young students.
The volunteers of the program felt nostalgic while visiting the school. This was the first time Brother 2 Brother has volunteered at East Midvale Elementary, but it definitely won’t be the last.
Hola and Brother 2 Brother plan to continue to volunteer at more schools.
“Our goal is to help our community as much as we can, while also helping each other,” he says.
The program has a chapter at Salt Lake Community College, and welcomes any interested male SLCC students. They hold meetings at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus on Thursdays at 1 p.m.