Can you say “La aventura te espera, ve a buscarla”? How about “Sahasi asa ahe, te sodha”? This simple yet profound statement means “adventure awaits, go find it.” Where can these adventures be found though? SLCC is preparing such conquests for their 2018 study abroad programs.
The study abroad office is looking to renew their programs for India and Costa Rica next spring and summer. Open to all students of any major, studying abroad gives students an opportunity to travel internationally while earning college credit. Other benefits include learning a new culture, honing language skills, building career opportunities, as well as making lifelong friends.
A survey from the Institute for International Education of Students found that 96% of students who study abroad reported increased confidence, with 95% claiming it had a lasting impact on their worldview. Three-quarters of respondents say they acquired skill sets that influenced their future career paths.
More than just ziplining through rainforest and trekking around the Taj Mahal, these excursions offer students a productive schedule with many activities to submerse in.
Costa Rica will be offered as an anthropology course titled Primate Ecology and Ecosystems (ANTH 2083) available for registration for the spring 2018 semester. Students will be able to focus on primate behavior, ecology and conservation while learning of Costa Rica’s rich biodiversity, history and ecosystems.
India is set to be in conjunction with Westminster College and will be supplementing various service projects and visiting locales such as Delhi, Pune and Mumbai.
The Costa Rica trip is tentatively scheduled for May 5 to May 23, 2018. The India is expected to take place later in the summer.
“The India program is in the works and the planning is still occurring,” remarks Lucy Smith, the service-learning and study abroad coordinator. Smith says more details will be available soon.
Reservation availability is determined on a first-come-first-serve basis and is limited. There are also some crucial upcoming deadlines to be aware of if you want to reserve a spot in next year’s programs.
For Costa Rica, the first deadline requires a $300 deposit, a copy of your passport, and a study abroad application which are due by Dec. 14, 2017. Forms can be found on the study abroad website.
For further information or questions, contact Matt Elnour at 801-957-4694 or