Apps have become a huge part of our daily lives. We use them multiple times a day, and in many cases, they can be a valuable resource to college students.
Here are the five most useful apps for students at Salt Lake Community College.
5. Amazon Mobile
If you don’t have a car or another way of getting around, or if you’re just lazy, the Amazon mobile app is for you. They sell everything from school supplies to college textbooks for cheap. If you want to get a good deal on your expensive textbook, this is the app for you.
4. Mint
Mint is a free app that helps you practice managing your money. It lets you view your all of your finances and see where your money is going. It will help you manage your money very easily.
3. iHomework 2
If you need a place to keep track of all of your assignments, exam schedules and coursework, then this is the app for you. iHomework 2 makes it easy to keep track of everything so that you never miss an assignment or test again. You can also set reminders for when your assignments are due.
2. EasyBib
Do you always struggle with your bibliography sources? If so, EasyBib is the app for you. EasyBib will give you the right citation for whatever source you are quoting and it will tailor to your citation needs.
1. Canvas
Canvas is the most useful app for students here at SLCC. Not only are your classes in one easy place, you can also check to see when your assignments are due and keep up with class requirements.