In recognition and response to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 50th anniversary speech, “I Have a Dream,” on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial Monument in Washington D.C., Salt Lake Community College is having a series of events, programs and presentations.
These initiatives are intended to highlight the successes of people and groups as a result of Dr. King’s tireless efforts to improve and promote the importance of civility, equity and opportunity for all persons with a special emphasis on continually raising the awareness on the importance of inclusivity for the underrepresented and underserved populations across our country.
Celebrating unity in diversity, SLCC invites our campus community and other friends to join in to honor the work and global impact Dr. King had on the world in creating a community that is committed to valuing humanity not only at the college but also in our global communities.
The Globe will be running a series of editorials throughout the academic year from individuals on campus honoring his 50th anniversary speech and its global impact on social change, social accountability and social empowerment in our world community. Other events, presentations and programs will start to show up at your door step at the end of October and run until April 1, 2014. Footage of Dr. King’s speech is available at
If you have questions on how you can get involved, please contact the following individuals:
- Dr. Marlin R. Clark, Assistant Vice President for Student Services/Dean of Students at (801) 957-4004 or email
- Debbie Corsino-Moore, Director of Multicultural Initiatives at (801) 957-4415 or email
- Curtis Larsen, Director of Student Life and Leadership at (801) 957-4644 or email
Dr. Marlin R. Clark