On Sept. 12, 2013, Student Life and Leadership will present their fall semester Movie under the Stars. “Man of Steel” will show on the Taylorsville Redwood Campus at 8 p.m. on the West Amphitheater Lawn. It’s free, but it isn’t the only free movie you could see this year.
“The Globe” releases a code online at globeslcc.com every week for a free preview of a soon-to-be-released film showing at a local movie theater.
As part of the Gofobo.com network, the code entitles a specific number of people that changes from movie to movie to get passes to a film for a specific showing. The passes must be traded in for tickets, and the process varies by theater.
The Gateway and the Broadway allow people to trade in their passes anytime during the day after the theater opens.
While the Gateway assigns specific seats, the Broadway does not, meaning that people may need to wait in line to get the seat that they prefer.
Jordan Commons only releases tickets at 4 p.m., which means that people line up as early as 2 p.m. depending on the popularity of the film. Seats are assigned, so you will need to return at about 6:30 p.m. to take your seat for the 7 p.m. show.
The Century 16 in Sandy also releases tickets at 4 p.m. However, they do not assign seats, so many people just hang out until the show starts at 7 p.m.
The Utah Film Center offers free movies every Tuesday at the Salt Lake City Public Library on Main.
Movies are usually a jumping off point for discussion based on movie themes.
The Utah Film Center offers films to those who are interested in learning about the issues of those who are LGBQT as part of the “Damn These Heels!” film series, usually shown at the Rose Wagner Theater. Children can find fun with the Tumbleweeds Film series usually shown on Saturday in the morning at the Salt Lake City Public Library on Main.
The Utah Film Center also shows films in West Jordan, Orem and Ogden.
i can’t find the code for the free movies? does this code change so
i need to come to this site every week?
The code changes every week. Just click on the movies tab above.
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