Salt Lake Community College’s School of Barbering and Cosmetology offers affordable haircuts to students, staff and the public.
Hours of service are Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Services are not offered on the weekends, holidays or during school breaks.
The salon is located in the Administration Building Room 176 on the Taylorsville Redwood Campus.
Men can walk in anytime during business hours Monday through Thursday. Women need to call ahead to make an appointment.
The School of Barbering and Cosmetology offers all of the services that one can find at other salons. Services are available for men, women, and children and they offer the cheapest haircuts in town – free to faculty and staff of the college.
Debra Bertoch, an assistant professor, said that they would love to see more clients and welcome anyone who wants to come in for a cut; they love serving the students and community.
Those interested in more information about the services can stop by the Administration Building Room 176.