Life is hectic enough without having to worry about paying bills and tuition. For one Salt Lake Community College student, her steps are strides compared to most in the fight towards financial peace.
Alicia Reynoso, 17, is a senior at Salt Lake Community College’s Itineris Early College High School, a high school for students who want to get a step ahead in their education. When financial struggles at home rippled into her school and social life, she decided that it was her turn to make a difference, her turn to make a name for herself.
“I hated watching mom and dad come home tired after work, having missed out on all after school activities my siblings and I were participating in,” Reynoso said. “Knowing that money was keeping them from what they loved broke my heart.”
Reynoso began to think outside of the box as to how she could both help herself and her family. Inspiring other students and giving her community hope found its way into the picture without effort.
In late April, Reynoso took it upon herself to find a way to earn money while still doing well in school, helping out around the house and doing all the things she loved. While most students would just settle for whatever job they could get, Reynoso worked hard to find something that matched her busy schedule. While job hunting online, she came across an advertisement for a career opportunity in website maintenance.
At first glance Reynoso wasn’t sure she was capable of rebuilding, selling and maintaining websites for old and new businesses because of her busy schedule and lack of experience. After a few short weeks that included hours of online seminars, she grew a real liking for the business and discovered she had a true talent in the processes the job requires.
“I always knew I had a different thought process than other teenagers, but now I feel unstoppable-like I could do anything,” Reynoso said.
With help from her personal mentors, professors at SLCC and Itineris and her mother, Reynoso is leaps and bounds ahead of typical students her age. Her biggest inspiration of all is motivational speaker Tony Robbins.
With her newfound knack for buying, selling, creating and maintaining websites, Reynoso wants to be able to share this ability and teach her family and friends how to provide for themselves. She and her mother have already started projects together as a family.
With the amount of effort Reynoso is putting into her new business, her plan to put herself through college becomes more obtainable every day. When she graduates from Itineris with her associate degree, she plans on taking several more strides forward and will be working towards her bachelor’s degree in business and economics.
“I’m getting myself by for now with enough money to pay for gas and basic necessities, but I’m on the verge of being able to make as much money as I want. I have big ideas.” said Reynoso.
For more information on website design and maintenance visit