I was recently asked by a guy name David if going to the movies for a first date was a good or bad idea. Well David (and everybody else out there), to be honest, going to the movies for a first date is a very bad idea.
First off, there is not going to be a lot of communication going on, and you are not going to get to know your date very well. The first date is when you are trying to get to know the other person, learn couple of her likes and dislikes. The first date is also the perfect opportunity to see if a relationship can develop. Besides, girls love to talk, and that won’t happen during the movie. At the end of the movie, what are you going to talk about? Chances are that the conversation is going to be about the movie, favorite scene, favorite actor, and what was the thing that you both liked most about the movie. That is a very shallow conversation to begin with.
Going on a first date, whether you’ve done it before or not, is nerve-racking. All the “what if” questions usually run through your mind. “What if she does not like me?” “What if the date goes wrong?” “What if she expected something different for the date?” Since you’re nervous, doing things like putting on your best clothes and cologne is a good idea, but going to the movies is not. On the first date girls get all dolled up by doing their hair, make-up, and putting on their best clothes to impress the guy. By being taken to the movies, all the time and effort spent to look so cute for you are not going to be appreciated.
There are many ideas that you can come up with to impress a girl on your first date, and it ought to be at least a little bit fancy. A picnic and a walk in the park can be cute, romantic and fun for the first date. It is also guaranteed that you are going to make your date happy, plus you will get to know her more and the conversation will flow easily. The first date is one of the things that girls tend to remember the most in a relationship, and that is one way a girl will judge you when it comes down to whether or not she wants to keep on dating you. You don’t have to go for the typical date, just make it fun, and enjoy the experience while you get to know your date.
Have any dating questions or concerns? E-mail me at vaguiler@mymail.slcc.edu