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Success is ‘Bruin’ with SLCC Women’s Basketball

Screeching sneakers, buzzer-beaters and blocked shots are on their way back to the Lifetime Activities Center (LAC) at SLCC's Taylorsville Redwood Campus. Women's head...

SLCC baseball aims for the fences

The "Bruin Express" should start revving its engine. As SLCC first baseman Scott Manning said, "It's a bus that fits all and tells all...

Getting over the fear of public speaking

There's no way to avoid public speaking as a college student. Most college students have a fear of public speaking. Every student in college...

Curb indecision in a major way

Picking a major, whether fresh out of high school or not, can be a very difficult task for any college student. Academic Advising is...

Energy Management degree: Earn money saving the world

This December, Billy Giblin will be one of the first 10 students graduating with an AAS degree in Energy Management from Salt Lake Community...

SLCC Environmental Club

The Environmental Club began at the SLCC Taylorsville Redwood campus in the fall of 2009 and has been awarded by Student Clubs and Organizations...

Lady Bruins: Road warriors

While the recent spotlight has been cast upon SLCC's men's soccer team and their 4-2 victory over the University of Utah at Rio Tinto...

South City’s children of the night

No one said being a parent or a student was ever easy. To be both can sometimes seem near impossible. But help is delivered...

Professor Carlson: Historian, comedian and astronomer

When most people think of a history teacher they probably remember Professor Binns from the Harry Potter books, a professor so dull he didn't...

Diabetes: Reduce your risk

The American Diabetes Association estimates 23.6 million Americans have diabetes. The SLCC Student Health Clinic can help students lower their risk of becoming part...

UTA boosts bus pass price for SLCC students

SLCC students face a new challenge for the 2010-2011 school year: getting to school. The UTA bus pass, previously free to SLCC students, will...

The Health and Wellness Clinic educates SLCC students on healthy lifestyles

The Health and Wellness Clinic provides students with the necessary information to make healthy choices in life that will help students improve their academic...