1. I thought abortions to save the mothers life in a dangerous pregnancy were always legal and would always be legal? Most people against abortion are against it as a “plan c” birth control, not as a life saving measure for the mother.

  2. I’m curious if equal reproductive rights is just a talking point to get what they want. I mean if women(regardless of the reasons why) can opt for abortion because of the impact it will have on there health than will they also argue this same point for men? I know many men who’s mental health is irreparably damaged due to having a child. Also if they are concerned about that and choose to leave the situation they are criminalized and fined which in turn ruins the health of the man. Will there be (under the slogan equal rights) a way for men or boys to opt out of all pregnancy obligations (to include but is not limited to) financial obligations, healthcare obligations and so on due to there health?


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