Spooky, scary skeletons send shivers down your spine this autumn season. Fall is in full swing, and from carving pumpkins to going to Oktoberfest at Snowbird, there are a variety of things to fill the time until snow arrives.
At Salt Lake Community College, The Globe staff has some favorite free or affordable activities that are perfect for budgeting college students.
“Last year, my friend and I started a tradition of putting together at-home photoshoots for costumes, since we couldn’t go out for Halloween,” said Samantha Herrera, digital editor at The Globe. “I’m excited to put together some costumes for that this year.”
October staples like haunted houses and horror movie nights are essential. Morgan Workman, editor-in-chief at The Globe, said that in the fall he likes “going to haunted houses, watching scary movies and drinking herbal tea.”
Miranda Webb, staff writer for The Globe, loves to do many things during the season.
“Canyon drives to see the trees, treating myself to a cozy cup of tea or pumpkin spice drink, […] baking cookies, thrift-store hunting for cozy sweaters, and listening to scary stories on the app Libby, by OverDrive (free library app),” Webb said.
While driving through the canyons and admiring the changing colors, nature enthusiasts can stop for a hike along Utah’s many trails.
“I love going on fall hikes. For an easier hike I like Farmington Canyon and, for a harder hike, there are some great peaks in Salt Lake County such as Grandeur peak and Olympus Peak,” said Andrew Christiansen, assistant editor for The Globe.
Christiansen suggested another affordable activity for the music-minded.
“Kilby Court holds concerts almost every day of the week, with ticket prices ranging from $8-20. This is the best place in Salt Lake to see the best local artists as well as up-and-coming touring artists for a fairly cheap price,” he said.