Salt Lake Community College’s award-winning literary magazine, Folio, will release their spring 2018 edition Thursday, April 19.
Students and staff are invited to come celebrate and experience some of the great content at the release party which will begin at 7 p.m. in the Academic and Administration Building atrium at Taylorsville Redwood Campus. The event will kick off with a reading of selected pieces. The floor will then be open to anyone who would like to share their work. Art pieces from the upcoming edition will be on display and light refreshments will be served.
The Folio staff received over 250 submissions of original work this spring term.
“There are many factors that go into selecting which pieces will go into both the print and online editions,” explains Folio design editor Heather Graham. “Merit and composition are considered as well as determining if the piece has a clear voice.”
For this edition, the staff decided to also work closely with the SLCC social justice classes.
“We want to be a platform for not only creative expression but also giving a voice and a platform for students to be heard,” Graham says.
Topics like immigration, body image and social justice will be examined. The spring volume will include 60 pieces in the print edition, with an additional 65 pieces online.
Each term, Folio selects a piece of student artwork to grace the cover. The reveal of this edition’s cover, as well as the title of the spring volume, will take place at the release party.
Anyone interested in getting a copy can visit the Student Writing Center at the Taylorsville Redwood and South City locations. Current and past digital versions of Folio are available online.
Folio encourages students to submit their original work for future publications. All work must meet required guidelines to be considered.
For more information, including how to become part of the Folio staff, contact Folio advisor Benjamin Solomon at 801-957-3930 or