The Great Utah ShakeOut is coming.
The statewide earthquake drill will take place on Thursday, April 20. The annual exercise will test the Emergency Alert System and preparedness practices at Salt Lake Community College and other institutions.
An emergency notification will be sent to all registered devices at 10:15 a.m. At that time, SLCC students, faculty and staff will drop, cover and hold on alongside hundreds of thousands of Utahns across the state.
Why the drill is important
While the Great Utah ShakeOut may only be a drill, students and staff should take it seriously. The lessons learned during the exercise could save lives during a real earthquake. The drill also serves as a reminder to practice emergency preparedness at home, work or elsewhere.
Creating a family disaster plan and building an emergency kit can give people the knowledge and tools needed to improve their chances of survival during an earthquake, flood or other disaster. Be Ready Utah has additional information to help citizens build emergency supply kits and family emergency plans.
Contact SLCC emergency manager Lisa Schwartz at 801-957-4963 to learn more about the Great Utah ShakeOut and other campus emergency procedures.