There come times when we pause to reflect on what we’re doing with our lives; whether what we’ve been doing is what we were meant to be doing.
Those questioning moments can often happen during your time in college. They may be what brought you here in the first place, as was the case for me. I wanted to find something I could be passionate about. Something I was “meant” to do.
Entering my first year of college, I enrolled as an “undecided,” a word that could define the way I felt about almost everything for most of my high school years. That first year of college I had taken a couple of English classes and realized that I had a bit of a knack for writing. I loved it. I loved the way it challenged me, and motivated me. And then I found journalism.
When I decided to change my degree to Communication, I didn’t know the first thing about journalistic writing.
All I had was my admiration for journalists who had written stories that had the ability to expose corruption and inspire change; inform the public and enlighten minds. I wanted to become a part of their world.
The first time my work was published in The Globe was honestly nerve-wracking. The thought of possibly hundreds of people reading something I had authored was strange to me. Oddly enough however, the feeling became sort of addicting. I found something that inspired me and allowed me the opportunity to inspire others.
Journalism became my passion.
I encourage you to find your passion. Become involved in your community. Salt Lake Community College offers many opportunities to become involved and gather the experiences that can lead you to finding a career that you love. If you haven’t yet discovered that thing which ignites the flame within you, you’ll find it by becoming more involved in the world around you.