It is no secret that going to school is tough. Managing real life issues along with homework and studying are a tale that will never change. However, with the increasing use of the Internet as a classroom, obtaining a degree is now more accessible than ever. Salt Lake Community College’s online classroom, or eCampus, has grown to over 10,000 students, and that number continues to grow every year.
SLCC’s eCampus is a very good way to get your schooling done without having to physically be on campus. The same professors that teach on campus are the ones that are running the online versions of the class as well.
“I love being able to stay at home and do my school work,” says SLCC student Deeann Enslin. “I have a son and my husband goes to work every day, so I need to be able to stay home and work while taking care of him. It really works because I can set my own schedule to do the work. As long as I prioritize and get homework done on time, it works great for me.”
The flexibility is clearly an advantage; the lack of personal interaction can be a negative for some.
While many online classes require students to interact on Canvas on a weekly basis, some students feel it just isn’t the same.
“I like the flexibility that it gives me since I work full time,” says SLCC student Brigham Mero, “but I find it harder to understand the material the same way I do when I’m actually in class. Since I‘m on my own, other than the lectures, it’s up to me to really get things done. When I‘m in class, I can ask all the questions I need and really interact with the professor, but when that interaction is online, it just doesn‘t feel the same.”
It appears that it really depends on how the student learns and is comfortable with doing work. To some like Enslin it comes very easily to learn online and get work done. The lack of personal interaction is not a problem. However, to those like Mero that like the personal interaction, online education can be more of a challenge. Is either better than the other? That just depends on the individual.
For more information on eCampus or registering for classes at one of the 13 campus locations, go to or call (801) 957-4298.