There are quite a few politicians who I am completely afraid of. Unfortunately, fear goes hand-in-hand with power, and there are some people in this world who know how to use fear extremely well.
When we are afraid, we forget we are strong. America is for the bold and courageous.
There is no other country like it, and the people of this nation cannot allow it to fall. If we allow fear to enter our hearts, there will be no progression in life.
It’s amazing what one person can accomplish, but it’s even more amazing what millions of people can accomplish, united together.
Sometimes, we forget how fortunate we are to live in a place that grants us freedom.
There are a few hundred leaders in our federal government who have power and the ability to instill fear in each American. Fear makes us weak, vulnerable and alone, but with the power of millions, fear is obsolete.
There are a few hundred million people in this country with voices to eliminate fear and create hope. The power of one is great; the power of millions moves mountains.
People have the option to live in fear, or be hopeful.
Those who have hope are the ones who make nations thrive. Fear only leads to destruction.
America’s future is in the people’s hands—it can be a nation united or divided.
In the midst of a financial crisis, there is much to fear in America. Uncertainty causes the largest amount of fear in people.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
We all can overcome our fears, whether it be the fear of a crumbling nation or losing that which is most cherished to us. Life is too short to spend it afraid.