The Moab Brewery is a Utah company that specializes in brewing ales and finds its inspiration in the unique environment of the Moab area. Moab Brewery creates refreshing hand crafted ales which pack powerful flavor.
– Beer 101
Overall, Moab Brewery offers a large variety of noteworthy beers, from hop-filled IPAs to malty amber ales that seem to taste even better in the middle of the Utah desert.
While Moab is the home of Moab Brewery and the birthplace of these unique ales, these brews can be found in numerous places throughout Salt Lake City. Moab Brewery offers three of their top selling beers in cans, which can be purchased in supermarkets and gas stations.
Moab Brewery’s most popular beer is their Dead Horse Amber Ale. This amber ale gets its name from a scenic overlook in Canyonlands National Park.
It packs a strong flavor of malt that overpowers the less noticeable hints of hops. The beer has a medium-light, sweet, crisp feel, which is very refreshing. Dead Horse Amber Ale is a beer that provides plenty of flavors, yet its most noteworthy attribute is the drinkability.
Ale purists might be disappointed by the thinner feel of this particular brew, but thanks to the low alcohol content and the amber color, Dead Horse Amber Ale is great for summer sessions, especially in the scorching desert of Moab.
One of the newer beers produced out of Moab’s hot desert is Johnny’s American IPA.
It is a unique and flavorful beer that satisfies beer-enthusiasts’ demands for a hoppy brew.
While delivering on the expected dominant flavor and aroma of hops, this India pale ale has an unusually low percentage of alcohol. Coming in at 4% ABV, making a flavorful IPA to meet Utah’s state liquor laws was a tall order, but Moab Brewery delivered.
With an overpowering taste of hops and subtle hint of fruit, this beer is suited for seasoned beer drinkers with a love for hops and might be slightly overwhelming for those new to craft beers.
Despite the strong flavor of hops, the lower amount of alcohol makes this beer more drinkable than some IPAs and would be a good beer to try for a first IPA.
One of the most distinguished aspects of this beer is its appearance in a glass.
It has a medium to high amount of carbonation and a golden orange color and, once poured, produces a foamy head that hangs above the glass for a considerable amount of time.
Johnny’s American IPA looks great and delivers on taste. While a beer with a low amount of alcohol is usually considered a bad thing in the world of microbreweries, it could be argued that the 4% ABV works in this particular beer’s favor. The lower alcohol content makes this beer fun to session and allows the consumer to enjoy even more of this great tasting IPA.
For students at Salt Lake Community College who enjoy a good ale, Dead Horse Amber Ale is a worthy choice. For beer drinkers who would like test the waters of IPAs, or who are looking for a good IPA to session this summer, Johnny’s American IPA is a fun beer that is easy to find in Salt Lake.
Bottom line: The Moab Brewery delivers on taste and has a large variety of beers to suite all styles of consumers. It is a unique brewery that gives Utahans great options for local ales that are ice cold and on the shelves of gas stations all summer long.
I give Moab Brewery 3/5.